Cleaning, lube, and protection products
Various Accessories
Galloway Precision Short Stroke trigger kits for:
GunSkins in stock:
Need something else? Let us know—we can have most items shipped to the store within a week or two. Too the right is the list of what's currently in stock and the MSRP:
- ProLix CLP and Lube
- SLIP 2000 Lubes and cleaning
- Italian Gun Grease cleaning, lube and protection products (very Limited Inventory)
- FrogLube CLP and cleaner
- Otis multi-caliber patches
- Foaming Bore Cleaner
- Brass Bore Brushes - several calibers
- Birchwood Casey cleaning oils and finishing products
Various Accessories
- Tactical Flashlights (LED) 700 lumens
- AR15 Fore grips - Several makes and styles
- AR15 stripped Upper Receivers
- AR15 Lower Parts Kit
- AR-15 Low Profile Gas Block - both steel and aluminum
- AR-15 Barrels
- Scopes Bases and Rings
- Nikon P-223 Scope, 3-9X40
- UTG 3x9 CQB Bugbuster scope
- "See All" sights
- Reflex style Red Dot sights by UTG, Riton and Holosun
- MagLula UpLula Magazine loaders: for 9-45 and the Baby Lula for 22LR - 380 Pstl
- Recoil pads by Hogue and Kick-EEZ
- AR15 or AR10 drop in triggers by Velocity
Galloway Precision Short Stroke trigger kits for:
- Ruger LC9 and LC380
- S&W Bodyguard 380
- SCCY CPX 1 or 2
- Other Galloway products such as:
- RMR mount for SAR9 (replaces rear sight)
- +2 Mag extension for SAR9
- Trigger spring kit to get a SAR9 trigger to the 3.5# range
- SAR9 Stainless Steel guide rods and recoil springs in 15#, 18#, and 20# weights (note: the stock recoil spring is 17#s.
- RMR mount for SAR9 (replaces rear sight)
GunSkins in stock:
Need something else? Let us know—we can have most items shipped to the store within a week or two. Too the right is the list of what's currently in stock and the MSRP: