Do you:
- Need any repair and cleaning of your firearms?
- Want that custom firearm or tack driver you've dreamed about?
- Want to find the value of a firearm for selling, insuring, or estate purposes?
- Need help with the transfer of your online firearm purchase?
- Purchase of new firearms, ammo, or supplies?
- Want gift certificates for giving a firearm as a gift?
J.R.'s GunWorx provides all this and more!
- A Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer
- Can help transfer your online firearm purchase
- Can purchase new firearms, ammo, or supplies
- Can offer gift certificates to give a firearm as a gift
- A Certified Gunsmith (American Gunsmithing Institute)
- Can repair and clean firearms
- Can build that custom firearm or tack driver you've dreamed about
- Can restore that old gun your ancestors owned
- A Certified Firearms Appraiser (AGI)
- Can determine the value of a firearm to selling, insure, or estate purposes
- A U.S. Veteran Owned Gunsmith Shop
J.R.'s GunWorx is located in Barren County, KY at:
155A Matthews Mill Rd, Glasgow KY
- Hours
2nd & 4th Saturday 9 AM to 2 PM
If these hours are not convenient, call or e-mail for an appointment and we'll work it in
Phone is (270) 678-GUNZ (4869) or send a note via the "contact" page
If you mention that you saw our website, you'll receive 5% off your next merchandise purchase.

J.R.'s GunWorx is a supporter of the Own it? Respect it. Secure it. Initiative. Please remember to store your firearms responsibly when not in use.
For more info, click on the image to go to the website.
For more info, click on the image to go to the website.

We proudly support our 2nd Amendment
At J.R.'s GunWorx we believe the 2nd amendment ensures we can keep all other rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
Always keep our elected representatives advised that we want our constitution to continue as the law of the land!
Someone once said that “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Even though the original speaker or writer of that quote remains elusive, it still holds true today. Much later, Edmund Burke famously wrote, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing”
At J.R.'s GunWorx we believe the 2nd amendment ensures we can keep all other rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
Always keep our elected representatives advised that we want our constitution to continue as the law of the land!
Someone once said that “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Even though the original speaker or writer of that quote remains elusive, it still holds true today. Much later, Edmund Burke famously wrote, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing”